We are happy to announce that we have successfully launched and are trading live on Pangolin.Exchange! Avaware is a growing group of talented developers fascinated with DeFi technology and excited to bring cutting edge applications into the Avalanche network that are fun & functional! We have an emphasis on decentralized gaming and look forward to building and enjoying our creations with the community.
We’ve minted 2m $AVE coins into circulation, some of these were used to convert AVA holders over to $AVE and 150k were put into liquidity on the exchange. We plan on having a total supply of 10m which will be reached over a period of years with liquidity farming, yield bearing game items, community events, and potential private investment.

Liquidity — This will be used in combination with potential funds we raise through investors to grow our liquidity across the decentralized exchanges we reside on. So far we’ve put 150k on Pangolin.Exchange and are looking into other potential exchanges as well.
Avaware — These funds go towards growing and expanding our team, utilizing contractors, marketing our projects, and supporting our infrastructure.
Private Investors — We’ve allotted funds for potential private investors. These funds would allow us to expand our core team and grow unhindered. Funds could also be used to provide liquidity to our pool as needed.
Yield Farming — Avaware.Farm’s Pools will reward farmers in $AVE while providing a great return on their investment. Avaware’s projects and ambition will make sure $AVE retains value and grows over time.
Game Distribution — A unique feature of our game is you will be able to purchase and trade yield bearing NFTs which generate $AVE. Build your empire while growing your investment!
Come join us on the social media platform of your choice! We look forward to growing and evolving with the Avalanche community.
Twitter — Discord — Telegram — Pangolin Exchange
Read our Roadmap or more about our first game project here.