Avaware Audits — Peace Of Mind For Projects & Users

2 min readAug 29, 2022


The end of August is upon us already! The cryptocurrency community feels like it’s waking up from a short slumber compared to the last few months, and we’re ready for it! Avaware.Network APR’s are up and our recently refactored UI is running smooth as ever. We’re focused on adding value to our token and brands, and one of the ways we do that is providing services to other Avalanche projects.

Audited By Avaware — A must

Audits are expensive due to the small number of seasoned Solidity developers. The companies that do offer audits are spread thin and charge an amount that is typically to much for a new project just starting in the space. Our plan is to leverage our experience alongside interested talented developers looking to gain experience and earnings to bring down cost and make the ecosystem a safer place.

Aside from an in depth initial report we will establish an on-going bug bounty program that rewards partakers in AVE for uncovering vulnerabilities. When a bug is found it will be analyzed and added to a public record, helping us improve our service each time. One of our goals is to create a framework that can analyze contracts in search of exploits we’ve encountered in the past.

A list of projects we’ve audited along with any warnings will be made available. we’re currently looking for any projects interested in being audited, and developers interested in being notified of open bug bounties. For more information write us an email and we can get the process started!





Avaware brings talented open source developers together to collaborate and bring fun, innovative projects to a device near you. We’re the builders. $AVE